Mystery shopping, also known as secret shopping, is fun and YOU can make a huge difference in how consumer products are presented and offers that are sold. There are no set rules for becoming a mystery shopper but I can definitely give you some tips on how to be successful after you have registered as a shopper with different agencies. The information you collect and report helps companies implement strategies and training programs to improve their customer experience. Good customer service benefits us all.
As a part-time Independent Contractor (not an employee), you sign up for assignments and receive complete guidelines for each shop that you choose. Average shop times vary between 20 minutes to 2 hours. Shoppers are paid once a month either by check or direct deposit, for all approved shops completed in the prior calendar month. I highly recommend setting up your direct deposit as soon as you sign up as a shopper. It is easy to do on the website and secure.

How to Become a Mystery Shopper with Market Force
Apply online today! It is FREE!
im just wondering how this works. do you pay out of pocket for things they want you to purchase and then reimburse you? what happens to the product you purchased? do you keep it, send it, do a review of the product? pls tell me more about it.
I agree Market Force is a Great Mystery Shopping Company. I started working for them about the same time as you and have found them to be the easiest Company to work for, plus they pay their Shoppers well for their time.
Good post!
This is a copy of the text to Market Force Information's Registered Agent here in Colorado.....
Monday, December 14, 2009
Cooley Godward Kronish, LLP
Attn: Market Force Information
380 Interlocken Crescent
Broomfield, Colorado
Dear Ms. Lee:
Although I/we are in no manner obligated to serve a § 24-10-109 C.R.S. notice of intent upon you, nor Market Force Information, I do provide this as a courtesy, to you and Market Force Information in an attempt to resolve the matter at hand within 60 days of the date of this letter.
Both Jessica Sideways and myself were deactivated from Market Force Information, without notice. We were informed by Market Force Information that the correct information, which both Ms. Jessica Sideways and myself collected and entered in the online reports we submitted to Market Force Information, was “incorrect”. However, at the time we collected the information for the assignments, we had collected information that was accurate and double checked per Market Force Information’s Instructions. I have attempted to resolve this matter with Market Force Information, however to no avail.
This is notice that we will seek judicial review of our matters independently, if this matter cannot be fully resolved within 60 days. We will be seeking $17,500.00 in damages if we proceed to court. However, we are willing to settle this matter for $500.00 for each Jessica and myself within the next 60 days.
You may contact me at the number above to schedule a time to discuss this matter. If I do not hear from you within 15 days however, please consider this offer to be void, as we will file complaints at such time.
Samara Sideways, Owner
Wicked Intentions, Inc
So did you get your 500.00 or sue for 17,000.00
What happened?
Yes sir reeee, Market force is great.
You'll love dealing with people on the help line that have an I.Q. of less than 0. Plus, you'll feel really good while making what amounts to about half of minimum wage, and that people who are in this country illegaly make more per hour than you do.
does this work like all mystery shops? how much do they pay? Please let me know because I am a avid mystery shopper.
I'm looking at applying here as well. They are asking me for my social insurance number. Did that happen when you applied, and did you trust them with that information?
love to be a mystery shopper but dont like the idea of putting any of my bank details on any sites that im not 100% sure its legit
Noted Market Force, thank you. But if you won't mind AQ Services also has an interesting offer if you want to be come their mystery audit check their sites :)
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